Slave is having a date with the cane: suspended by his hands, he is whipped all over his body and manhood
The worst femdom tortures you can imagine: hitting weak penis with mouse trap and then cutting off balls with castrating device
Girlfriends are having fun locking slave's balls into the stainless steel device and crushing them slowly
Cruel bitch is curious about how much electricity boy's cock and ass hole can handle: she has all the tools needed to figure that out
Naked slut in the locker room is surprising a guy by grabbing his balls with her hands, crushing them and giving a few painful kicks with her foot
Barefoot girl is chatting on the mobile phone while her legs are resting on top of male face
for Footdom United
Naked sub is taped helplessly and then his cock and balls are cruelly violated by two hot babes in latex
for Subby Hubby