High heel boots are clean after licking procedure and it is time for slave to start with mistress bare feet
Spike heels is the perfect foot wear for femdom Goddess when she is in the mood for tormenting penis and balls
Male test subject is strapped to chair with belts and girl is about to pierce his penis with a huge needle
Employee comes naked to lady bosses office to receive a series of painful bare feet kicks in his balls
Dominatrix is playing with two slaves in her BDSM chamber: one is suspended in leather body-bag and another is caged and waiting for whipping to begin
One blonde is holding his hands while another shoving vibrator into his ass and doing steel rod penis insertion
Bitchy wife starts with softcore hubby spanking but then moves to more cruel punishments like canning and full-force paddling
A couple of officers in sexy uniforms have taken arrested guy for the outdoor training and humiliation
Business lady is wearing the right type of high heel shoes to trample her employees painfully and make the worship her feet